how to buy gabapentin online The remains of a clearly butchered wooly mammoth in Siberia date to 45,000 years ago, 10 millennia earlier than when humans were thought to have crossed north of the Arctic circle. Our history puzzle is getting shuffled again! Or are the pieces actually getting closer to each other?
Author: Planète RAW
Giza Pyramids aligned with Orion’s belt Busy weekend for our team. We are moving out and changing countries, so here is “only” a little something for you to think over.
Indonesian guides :)
Our team at Borobudur Temple with local Indonesian teenagers who drove 13h from the city of Bandung, Java to see and learn about the world’s largest buddhist temple. Amazing experience!
Guatemala Mystery: the picture History already forgot!
In South Guatemala this picture of an incredible giant head was taken more than 50 years ago and is above 5 meters high!
Disc of Sabu
Disc of Sabu, from the Tomb of Prince Sabu, son of Adjuib Pharaoh ouf of I Dynasty around 3000BC. No proper explanation has been given for this mind twister. Different technical studies have given results of a “fuel mixer”.
The Great Pyramid of Giza – Are you kidding me ???
The most overlooked aspect of the Great Pyramid is not its construction, but the work done BEFORE to allow the construction. Let’s look at it because it is equally mind-blowing! The pyramid construction started when the ancient builders bulldozered 5 meters of limestone hill (!!) to have a flat base for the forthcoming construction (see…
The Great Pyramid of Giza – A Mathematics Bible
The amount of mathematics encoded in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza is beyond anything anyone can imagine. Remember that if the pyramid size would have been different by 5 or 10cm, all the below facts wouldn’t be there, but we still can find:
The Great Pyramid of Giza – 5 times more accurate than modern buildings
All 4 sides of the Great Pyramid are more precisely aligned with the cardinal points than any other building in the world today. The incredible accuracy makes the Great Pyramid face true north by an error of only 0.05 degree! As a comparison, a more recent attempt at a building perfectly facing the north was…
The Great Pyramid of Giza – 8 sides instead of 4?!
Oh You Great Pyramid of Giza, you never cease to amaze us! This time is no different. The Pyramid doesn’t have 4 sides…but 8!! First photographed by P. Groves, a British Air Force pilot who, in 1940, captured the amazing feature from his plane, the Pyramid’s sides are not flat, but concave in their center!
The Great Pyramid of Giza
2,6 million stone blocks? 6 million tons? You damn right! No one knows how the Pyramids were built. Anything we read in books are simple theories that can’t be proven. The only thing we can do is looking at facts and think for ourselves.