Salihli In the place also known as the Temple of Man, statues reveal the amazing know-how of Ancient Egyptians. Astonishing precision, masterpiece symetry & polishing methods used on black and rose granite statues: the Grandeur of Ancient/Pre-Dynastic Egypt expressed at its fullest. But are we sure the same people did ALL of the temple?
Author: Planète RAW
Amazing Giza Pyramids
legal to buy provigil online Unique eye on the Majestic Giza Pyramids The Great Pyramid of Giza of Kheops/Khufru, the Kephren/Khafre one, the Mykerinos/Menkaure one as well as the smaller almost forgotten 6 smaller ones: our cameras immortalized the Giza plateau in a very unique way in 35 original views. Enjoy it and share!
Prambanan, Central Java, Indonesia
Candi Prambanan, aka Candi Rara Jonggrang, is a 9th-century Hindu temple complex located less than 20km up North from Jogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. An amazing site quite similar to Angkor Wat or other temples in, but not only, Myanmar. A true gift of architecture and spirituality! We explored this mystical site, here are our pictures.
Arctic Henge in Iceland
Iceland is probably the most amazing country in the world, but it also hides astonishing megaliths like the Arctic Henge. We will return there to investigate in June 2017
Bada Valley, Sulawesi, Indonesia – Megalithic Statues Hidden Half a World Away
Discovered in 1908, the Bada Valley megaliths, hidden in Central Sulawesi, are statues scattered all over an area next to Lore Lindu National Park. Those megalithic statues, almost unknown and isolated from the rest of the world, are made in different shapes and sizes, some are standing, others are lying on the ground, which adds…
Behind the scenes of archeology and Egyptology – Part 2
To read the first part, click here …But this is equally true with the State of France as a whole. The philosophy of enlightenment is the one that prevails in French research, and the scientism that unfolds forbids researchers from stepping aside from the conventional thinking “approved by the Republic”.
Piri Reis Map – Antarctica without ice, evidence of Ancient Technology?
Almost 100 years ago Gustav Adolf Deissmann, a German theologian was browsing through historical documentation when he made a stunning yet forgotten discovery : the Piri Reis map, drawn in 1513AD, showing Antartica…without ice ! How is this possible ?
Ancient high technology in Giza, Egypt: tons of picture evidence
On the East side of the Great Pyramid of Giza lays a basalt pavement showing undeniable marks of advanced machinery stone-cutting and stonework usage. Here is our field research and investigation.
Puma Punku, Bolivia – Impossible Mega movers
Like most of ancient megalithic structures, the main question pending at Puma Punku is how the builders managed to move those huge stones. The biggest stones found on site are weighing from 50 to 135 tons with the heaviest reaching an astonishing 440 tons! This is 600 cars! How did they move them?
Behind the scenes of archeology and Egyptology – Part 1
Today we publish the first part of an exclusive interview with Delphine Meynieux, former archeologist. On the menu : backstage revelations on research and Egyptology thanks to the pragmatic vision of a free mind constantly bumping itself against intellectual stiffness and an aging decrepit organization.