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Category: Karnak
Karnak – Des Hiéroglyphes Moulés dans le Granit? Plastics logo.gif Sorry, this entry is only available in French.
They travelled with us
A HUGE thank you to all those who travelled with us to see the Secrets of Ancient Egypt! For sure they witnessed some incredible things. Our January trip is already fully booked. The next available dates are 2017 April 7-20th. If you wish to join here is the program!
Ancient Egypt Tour – Incoming departure
In just 3 days, our expert guide in alternative archeology and egyptology will be flying off to Cairo. For 2 weeks, he will be guiding across the country 6 passionate people who decided to live an absolute unique experience combining authentic culture, alternative archeology, architecture, engineering and a few other surprises… The true meaning of…
Secrets of Ancient Egypt Tour 2016
We are excited to announce that in September we will take a group of deeply passionate Ancient Egypt enthusiasts on our tour. Giza, Saqqara, Dashur, Aswan, Abu Simbel, Luxor, this is what they will get to see…and much more!
Karnak Temples
Located in Luxor, Egypt, the Karnak Temples are the world’s largest open air museum. Those are our pictures showing a marvelous mixture of architecture, as well as lost knowledge and technologies.